Fee Schedule Document Recording

Checks should be made payable to: Alleghany County Register of Deeds.

Instruments except deeds of trust and mortgages (effective Oct. 1, 2011)$26.00 first 15 pages
$ 4.00 each additional page
Deeds of Trust and Mortgages$64.00 first 35 pages
$ 4.00 each additional page
Multiple instruments as one, each$10 
Additional subsequent instrument index reference, each$10.00 each additional reference
Non-Standard Document$25.00 plus recording fee
State Hwy Right-of-Way Plans$21.00 first page
$ 5.00 each additional page
Satisfaction InstrumentsNo Fee
Certified Copy (other than a vital record)$5.00 first page
$2.00 each additional page
Uncertified Copy$.05 per page
Plat Maps
Comparing Copy
$21.00 per page
$5.00 per page
Excise Tax on Deeds$2.00 per $1000 (based on purchase price)
Notary Oath
Notary Authentication
$ 5.00 per notary per page
DD-214 (Military Discharge) RecordingNo Fee
UCC-1 and UCC-3 Amendment
(include continuation, assignment & termination)
$38.00 1 – 2 page
$45.00 3 – 10 pages
$ 2.00 each additional over 10 pages
UCC-11 Request
UCC Copy
$30.00 per debtor name
$ 1.00 each

Multiple Instruments

When a document is presented for registration that consists of multiple instruments, the fee will be ten dollars ($10.00) for each additional instrument. A document consists of multiple instruments when it contains two or more instruments with different legal consequences or intent, each of which is separately executed and acknowledged and could be recorded alone.

Disclaimer: Fees subject to change

Miranda Roupe

Nicole Billings
Deputy Register of Deeds

Claudia Isom
Deputy Register of Deeds

County Administration Building
348 South Main St.

PO Box 186
Sparta, NC 28675
Phone: 336-372-4342
Fax: 336-372-2061
Department Links:
Fee Schedule
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Tax Certification
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Notary Public
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