Below are links to electronic copies of county ordinances. With one exception, ordinances are filed with the Register of Deeds in two locations: in a special Ordinance Book and in the larger records of filings with the Register of Deeds. The first number indicates the Ordinance Book number and page number where that ordinance is filed. The date indicates the year the ordinance passed. Information on those filing locations may or may not be found in the body of these electronic records. Copies of ordinances are also on file in the County Administration Office.
The one exception is the 1997 Watershed Management Ordinance. It has no book and page number because it is not filed in the Ordinance Book, but it is filed with the larger record of files held by the Register of Deeds in book 278 beginning on page 1274. A copy is also on file at the County Administration Office. The name on the link is for reference only and is not the official name of the ordinance.
A few files are quite large.
CAUTION: In many cases, these electronic copies were created by scanning original documents that were then read by OCR (optical character recognition) software. While extremely accurate, OCR is not perfect. Copies may contain typos or other errors. These electronic files DO NOT CONSTITUTE THE OFFICIAL RECORD. For the final determination of what any ordinance says, consult copies with the Register of Deeds or County Administration.
1-21 1971 Restrict Beer/Wine Sales
1-22 1974 Roadside Garbage
1-23 1974 Solid Waste Management
1-29 1975 Regulating Mass Gathering
1-48 1974 Solid Waste Amendments
1-49 1975 Civil Preparedness
1-54 1975 Tax Listing Guidelines
1-55 197? Telephonic Alarm Regulation
1-57 1978 Fox Hunting Regulation
1-58 1978 Energy Equipment Installer Licensing
1-61 1977 Energy Licensing Amendment
1-62 1976 Prohibit Loitering
1-63 1982 No Fishing SR 1308 Bridge
1-64 1982 No Fishing SR 1345 Bridge
1-65 1983 Animal Control Ordinance
1-73 1982 Library Capital Project Budget
1-74 1983 Mountain Ridge Protection
1-123 1991 Occupancy Tax Established
1-125 1991 Solid Waste Disposal Fees
1-128 1992 Solid Waste Disposal Fee Schedule
1-129 1993 E911 Establishment
1-133 1993 Additional Motor Vehicle Tax
1-134 1994 Special 911 Revenue
1-136 1994 Transfer Facility Use Regulation
1-137 1995 Alcohol Consumption at Fairgrounds
1-138 1995 911 Naming
1-146 1997 Solid Waste Disposal Fees
1997 Watershed Management
1-147 1998 Hazardous Materials
1-149 1998 Solid Waste Disposal Fees
1-150 1999 Roaring Gap Land Use District
1-153 2000 Mobile Home Moratorium
1-155 2001 Tower Moratorium
1-157 2001 Explosive Materials Ordinance
1-165 2001 Solid Waste Disposal Fees
1-188 2002 Solid Waste Disposal Fees
1-189 2003 Floodplain Management
1-206 2003 Farmland Preservation
1-220 2005 Solid Waste Collection Franchise Ordinance
1-290 2005 Creation of a Regional Water Authority
1-291 2005 Polluting Industries Moratorium
1-292 2005 Polluting Industries Zoning Moratorium
1-296 2005 High Impact Land Uses / Polluting Industries Ordinance
1-324 2006 Property Rights Protection Ordinance
1-371 2006 Cable Television Franchise Agreement with Alleghany Cablevision
1-409 2006 Cable Television Franchise Agreement with Charter Communications
1-421 2007 Moratorium on Signs
1-423 2008 Off-Site Sign Control Ordinance
1-450 2008 Property Rights Protection Ordinance Amendment
1-451 2008 Land Subdivision
1-462 2009 Property Rights Protection Ordinance Amendment
1-463 2009 Creation of Planning Board
1-465 2009 Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
1-481 2010 Pawnbroker’s License Ordinance
1-488 2010 Explosive Materials Ordinance
1-494 2010 Property Rights Protection Ordinance Amendment
1-497 2011 Occupancy Tax Ordinance
1-499 2012 Property Rights Protection Ordinance Amendment
1-500 2015 Property Rights Protection Ordinance Amendment
1-502 2015 Wireless Communication Tower Ordinance
1-509 2015 Property Rights Protection Ordinance Amendment
1-511 2015 Wireless Communication Tower Ordinance Amendment
1-513 2018 Alcohol Before Noon on Sundays Ordinance
1-514 2018 Farmland Preservation Amendment
1-529 2019 Senior Center/Courtroom/BDC Project Ordinance
1-530 2019 Run for a Claus 5K
1-531 2021 Animal Control Ordinance
1-548 2022 Grant Project Ordinance ARPA of 2021
1-553 2022 Grant Project Ordinance Capital
1-555 2023 Grant Project Ordinance Pool