Sheriff’s Office

Bryan Maines, Sheriff

The Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office is led by Sheriff Bryan Maines. His office is located in the Law Enforcement Center at 40 Alleghany Street in Sparta. The Law Enforcement Center also houses offices of the County Magistrates office and NC Highway Patrol.

The Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office has responsibility in three areas of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, the courts and corrections and is responsible for the county communications.

The Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office is responsible to enforce North Carolina laws in Alleghany County. The responsibilities include county patrols, investigating crime and apprehending suspects. Within the Town of Sparta, that responsibility is shared with the Sparta Police Department.

The Sheriff’s Office is responsible for maintaining the safety and security of the court. A deputy acts as bailiff when court is in session. The Sheriff’s Office is responsible to take charge of juries whenever they are outside the courtroom; to serve court papers such as subpoenas, summonses, warrants, writs, or civil process; and to extradite prisoners.

The Sheriff’s Office maintains and operates the county jail, to include supervising inmates and protecting their rights. It is also responsible for providing inmates with food, clothing, exercise, recreation and medical services.

The Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office is manned 24/7, however, citizens are encouraged to conduct business of a non-emergency nature during normal, weekday business hours.

Bryan Maines

Sandra Wooten
Executive Assistant

Shane Glenn
Chief Deputy

John Abernathy
Chief Jailer
Alleghany Law Enforcement Center
40 Alleghany Street

PO Box 53
Sparta, NC 28675
Phone: 336-372-4455
Fax: 336-372-8639
Department Links:
Sheriff’s Office Facebook Page