Request Vital Records On Line
Birth, Death, and Marriages records available
The following types of records are maintained by the Alleghany County Register of Deeds office:
Marriage records: 1859 through current posted. Birth and Death records: 1913 through current posted.
The only persons by law that may request a certified copy of a vital record are:
- Yourself
- Your spouse
- Your mother/father
- Your brother/sister
- Your child/grandchildren
- Your grandmother/grandfather
- A person seeking information for legal determination of personal or property rights (proof required)
- An authorized agent, attorney, or legal representative of the person named on the vital record
Note: Uncertified copies are available to the public.
Certified copies: $10.00 each
Send check or money order to the following address:
Miranda Roupe
P.O. Box 186
Sparta, North Carolina 28675
Self-addressed, stamped envelopes are appreciated.
For further information, call 336-372-4342.
Miranda Roupe Registrar Nicole Billings Deputy Register of Deeds Claudia Isom Deputy Register of Deeds | Contact: County Administration Building 348 South Main St. PO Box 186 Sparta, NC 28675 Phone: 336-372-4342 Fax: 336-372-2061 | Department Links: FAQ Forms Fee Schedule Genealogy Marriages Search/View Deeds Online Real Estate Checklist Tax Certification Uniform Commercial Code Vital Records Notary Public Thank a Veteran Discount Program |