Tax Certification

NOTICE: A tax certification form must accompany ALL DEEDS to be recorded.

For assistance or to acquire a copy of the tax certification form, contact the Alleghany County Tax Office at 336-372-8291.

North Carolina G.S. 105-361 (a).
Duty to Furnish a Certificate.-On the request of any of the persons prescribed in subdivision (a) (2), below, the tax collector shall furnish a written certificate stating the amount of taxes and special assessments for the current year and for prior years in his hands for collection (together with any penalties, interest, and costs accrued thereon) including the amount due under G.S. 105-277.4 if the property should lose its eligibility for the classification under G.S. 105-277.2 et seq. that are a lien on a parcel of real property in the taxing unit.

North Carolina G.S. 105-361 (a). 2
Duty of Person Making Request.- With respect to taxes, the tax collector shall not be required to furnish a certificate unless the person making the request specifies in whose name the real property was listed for taxation for each year for which the information is sought. With respect to assessments, the tax collector shall not be required to furnish a certificate unless the person making the request furnishes such identification of real estate as may be reasonably required by the tax collector.

Miranda Roupe

Nicole Billings
Deputy Register of Deeds

Claudia Isom
Deputy Register of Deeds

County Administration Building
348 South Main St.

PO Box 186
Sparta, NC 28675
Phone: 336-372-4342
Fax: 336-372-2061
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