North Carolina Cooperative Extension partners with communities to deliver education and technology that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolinians.
Cooperative Extension is an outreach effort of NC State University and NC A&T State University.
We are county agents working together within a network of our communities to improve the quality of life in North Carolina. The key components of NC Cooperative Extension’s mission are:
- Sustaining agriculture and forestry
- Protecting the environment
- Maintaining viable communities
- Developing responsible youth
- Developing strong, healthy and safe families.
Our services are available to all Alleghany County citizens. We provide information via meetings, workshops, demonstrations, field days, conferences, internet, radio, video, newspaper, newsletters, publications, and by telephone, email and office visits. Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
We look forward to serving you and hope that you will contact one of our staff who can help you in the following areas:
Amy Lucas
County Extension Director
Extension Agent, 4-H & Youth Development
The County Extension Director provides leadership as Department Head for Cooperative Extension. Amy’s duties include directing office operations, staff, resource development, budget, planning, marketing, educational programming in leadership, volunteer and community development, public issues, education and promoting Extension education programs. Amy is responsible for maintaining strong working relationships with county government, community leaders, volunteers, clients and various agency partners. In addition, Amy also provides leadership to 4-H and Youth Development including collaborating with various community groups and leaders to improve the lives and future of Alleghany County youth. This includes coordinating and managing the volunteer leadership system that serves 4-H Clubs, providing school enrichment programs, after school programming, conducting various educational opportunities for youth, and promoting life skills development through learning by doing experiences.
Aaron Ray Tompkins
Extension Agent, Agriculture
Aaron Ray provides educational programming in leadership to livestock educational programs, pesticide education, sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, forestry, Christmas trees and Local Foods in Alleghany County.
Carmen Long
Family & Consumer Science
Carmen is a shared agent between Alleghany and Surry counties who provides leadership to the Family & Consumer Science programs which are delivered to individuals and families to improve the quality of their lives. She provides educational information in the areas of foods and nutrition with an emphasis on healthy eating, food safety, and food preservation. Carmen also serves as a liaison to the Extension and Community Association (ECA) volunteer organization.
Michele Hamm
Administrative Assistant
Michele provides administrative support for the Alleghany Extension Office as well as Community Resource Development Programs.
Brad Edwards
Program Assistant Integrated Pest Management
Brad works with Christmas tree growers in Alleghany, Ashe, and Watauga Counties on implementing on-farm demonstrations relating to best management practices.
Jill Cockerham
Program Assistant, Local Foods
Jill manages the Alleghany County Farmers Market as well as the High Country Commercial Kitchen (HCCK) in Ashe County. She focuses her efforts on food security and infrastructure and hosting workshops on food self sufficiency.
We have additional area staff who are available to assist Alleghany County citizens in areas such as: Commercial Horticulture, Tobacco, and Aquaculture.
We invite you to contact us, attend some of the educational opportunities and to become active in our programs by volunteering!
Amy Lucas County Extension Director Extension Agent, 4-H & Youth Development amy_lucas@ncsu.edu Carmen Long Family & Consumer Science carmen_long@ncsu.edu Aaron Ray Tompkins Extension Agent, Agriculture aaron_tompkins@ncsu.edu Brad Edwards Program Assistant-IPM brad_edwards@ncsu.edu Michele Hamm Administrative Secretary michele_hamm@ncsu.edu Jill Cockerham Program Assistant-Local Foods jill_cockerham@ncsu.edu | County Office Building, Third Floor 90 South Main Street PO Box 7 Sparta, NC 28675 Phone: 336-372-5597 Fax: 336-372-2279 | Department Links: FAQ Forms |