Individuals wishing to be included in the agenda for an upcoming Board of Commissioners’ meeting are required to contact the Administration office by noon, the Wednesday preceding the Monday meeting. The Current Notice/Agenda Packet for any meeting of the Board is typically posted the next day (Thursday). That Current Notice/Agenda Packet will remain posted until a new Notice/Agenda Packet is posted. After the Commissioners meeting is held, the agenda serves as a record of items brought before the Board.
Board minutes are only posted after they have been approved, typically at the following meeting, such that those minutes are not available on this website until two or three weeks after the meeting is held. Those minutes include the agenda for that meeting. Minutes are identified in the links below by the date of the meeting they reflect.
Bill Osborne, Chair 7280 NC Highway 93 Piney Creek, NC 28663 billosborne0202@gmail.com Timothy J Evans, Vice Chair PO Box 367 Roaring Gap NC 28668 Timmyeva7494Alleghanycc@gmail.com Bobby Irwin 307 Irwin Valley Road Sparta, NC 28675 wbi@skybest.com Greg Walker 1054 Mountain Lake Road Glade Valley, NC 28627 j.walker2659@gmail.com Garrison Wagoner 1905 Crab Creek Rd Ennice, NC 28623 wagonergb@gmail.com | Contact: County Administration Building 348 South Main Street, Room LL20 PO Box 366 Sparta, NC 28675 Phone: 336-372-4179 Danielle.Adkins@alleghanycounty-nc.gov | Department Links: FAQ County Ordinances Board Code of Ethics (PDF) Board Rules of Procedure (PDF) Forms External Links: US House US Senate NC Website NC Legislature |