Frequently Asked Questions – Human Resources

If you have questions about our office or the services provided, you may find the answers here. If your answer is not found here, feel free to email this office at, call this office at (336) 372-2946, or drop by our office at 348 South Main Street, Sparta NC.

What are the hours for the Human Resources and Payroll Office?

  • Monday thru Friday, 8 AM – 5PM.

How do I apply for an Alleghany County Open Position?

  • Applications are available on the website or in the HR Office at any time. Applications are accepted by the HR Officer during office hours in the office or by email or fax. All applications are kept on file for two years from the date of applying.

Where can I find job advertisements for open Alleghany County positions?

  • Alleghany News,, NC Works Online, and the Alleghany County Website.

What is the payroll schedule for County employees?

  • Pay periods end every other Monday and employees are paid the next Thursday. Please check with Department Head, Supervisor or HR to clarify starting dates for pay periods.

Does Alleghany County have a Substance Abuse Program for employees?

  • Yes, Alleghany County has a current Substance Abuse Program Policy. All newly hired employees are subject to pre-employment drug testing. Safety sensitive employees are subject to random testing during the duration of their employment. All employees are subject to post accident and reasonable suspicion testing at any time while on duty.

When can an employee sign up for insurance coverage?

  • Newly hired employees are offered insurance coverage at initial sign up of benefits. Any changes or additions after that have to made during open enrollment in June of each year unless an employee has a qualifying event. (i.e. marriage, divorce, birth of child, etc.)
April L. Hamm
HR Department Director

Tiffany Boyer
Human Resource Officer
348 South Main Street, LL70
PO Box 366
Sparta, NC 28675
Phone: 336-310-1897
Fax: 336-372-2972
Department Links:
County Organizational Chart