If you have questions about our office or the services provided, you may find the answers here. If your answer is not found here, feel free to email this office at robin.hamilton@alleghanycounty-nc.gov, call this office at 336-372-2826, or drop by our office at 348 South Main Street, Sparta NC.
What is the finance office?
- We do the human resources, payroll, and expenses for the county. We also collect occupancy tax and solid waste fees. We do not loan money.
What hours are the office open?
- From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. We do not normally close the office for lunch.
Where is the office located?
- The Finance Office is located at 348 S. Main St. on the lower level. We are in the County Administration Building, the building beside Fifth Third Bank on US Hwy 21 South.
What is occupancy tax and who has to pay it?
- Occupancy tax is a tax charged to hotels, rentals, and inns that rent rooms. The Finance Office collects this tax. The Tourism Development Authority handles the administration of the money as required by NC General Statutes.
Why am I being charged a solid waste fee?
- All businesses in the County will be charged a commercial solid waste fee per month. It is for the availability of the transfer facility/landfill to dispose of commercial trash.
My business doesn’t have any trash or has only one or two small bags per month. Why am I being charged a solid waste fee?
- All business in the county will be charged a commercial solid waste fee per month. It is for the availability of the transfer facility/landfill when your business needs to dispose of trash.
April Hamm Finance Department Director april.hamm@alleghanycounty-nc.gov Robin Hamilton Assistant Finance Officer robin.hamilton@alleghanycounty-nc.gov Noelvis Capiro Payroll and Accounting Specialist noelvis.capiro@alleghanycounty-nc.gov Dalila Morales Accounting Technician dalila.morales@alleghanycounty-nc.gov | Contact: 348 South Main Street, LL60 PO Box 366 Sparta, NC 28675 Phone: 336-372-2826 Fax: 336-372-2972 | Department Links: 2024 Audit 2023 Audit 2022 Audit 2021 Audit 2020 Audit 2019 Audit FAQ Forms |