If you have questions about our office or the services provided, you may find the answers here. If your answer is not found here, feel free to email this office at drew.todd@alleghanycounty-nc.gov, call this office at 336-372-4179, or drop by our office at 348 South Main St., Sparta NC.
Where is your office located?
- The building is at 348 South Main Street in Sparta. Our office is downstairs on the lower level.
When is your office open?
- Our normal office hours are 8 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 5 pm except for holidays.
Do you have any job openings?
- See our Employment Opportunities. We also advertise all job openings with the Alleghany News and the Employment Security Commission.
What ordinances do we have in Alleghany County?
- Copies of county ordinances are available for inspection in the Administration Office, Register of Deeds and online .
Michael Carter County Manager Michael.Carter@alleghanycounty-nc.gov April Hamm Assistant County Manager April.Hamm@alleghanycounty-nc.gov Danielle Adkins Executive Assistant/Clerk to the Board Danielle.Adkins@alleghanycounty-nc.gov | Contact: County Administration Building 348 South Main Street Room LL80 PO Box 366 Sparta, NC 28675 Phone: 336-372-4179 | Department Links: FAQ County Ordinances Forms External Links: US House US Senate NC Website NC Legislature |