The Alleghany County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, August 16, 2004 at 10:00am in the Conference Room of the County Office Building, 90 South Main Street, Sparta, North Carolina.


            Present:  Chair Eldon Edwards, Vice-Chair Warren Taylor, Commissioner Graylen Blevins, Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon, Commissioner Patrick Woodie, County Manager Don Adams and Clerk to the Board Karen Evans.  County Attorney Ed Woltz was absent.


            Chair Eldon Edwards called the meeting to order.


Commissioner Warren Taylor opened the meeting with a prayer.


            Commissioner Patrick Woodie asked that Item #12 be amended to include (a) (5)—contracts on the agenda.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to approve the amended agenda for this August 16, 2004, meeting.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.   Vote 5:0.



Monday, August 16, 2004

10:00 AM


10:00               Meeting Called To Order

                        Motion on Agenda for August 16, 2004 meeting

Motion on Minutes for August 2, 2004 meeting

10:05               Mary Walker

                        RE:  Tax Releases & Refunds

10:15               Ned Fowler & Leo Tompkins

                        RE:  Northwestern Regional Housing Annual Report

& Board Re-Appointment

10:25               Sandy Ashley

                        RE:  Work First Local Plan

10:40               Amy Pardue

                        RE:  Subdivision Approval

County Business

1.      Reminder Labor Day Meeting

2.      Reminder Joint Meeting

3.      Finance Software Contract & Resolution

4.      Soil & Water Job Description

5.      Scrap Tire Contract

6.      2005 Legislative Goals

7.      Occupancy Tax Discussion

8.      Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution

9.      Budget Amendment—Recreation/Planning  

10.  Other Business

11.  Public Comments—30 minutes

12.  Closed Session—NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (4)—economic development

NCGS 143-.318.11 (a) (5)—contracts    (added)

13.  Adjourn


Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to approve the minutes for the August 2, 2004, meeting.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


            Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented the July 2004 refund requests in the amount of $12.99 for real property and $121.75 for vehicles.


            Commissioner Warren Taylor made a motion to approve the refund requests as presented by the Tax Administrator in the amount of $12.99 for real property and $121.75 for vehicles.  Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0. 


            Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented the July 2004 release requests in the amount of $170.57 for real property and $1,127.38 for vehicles.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to approve the release requests as presented by the Tax Administrator in the amount of $170.57 for real property and $1,127.38 for vehicles.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.   Vote 5:0. 


            Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented a letter from Larry Halsey about a discovery that was preformed on his property.  She explained that he states he never received anything from the Tax Office.  She stated that the address the Tax Office has is the correct address according to Mr. Halsey.  She stated that Mr. Halsey came in the Tax Office and paid the tax portion of the bill, but not the interest and penalties because he doesn’t think that those are his responsibility. 


            The Board of Commissioners and Mary Walker discussed the process of mailing information to taxpayers and the probability of the letter not being mailed. 


            Chair Eldon Edwards and Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon asked Mary Walker to look in her records for more information about this matter.


            Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented a letter from Charles Shaw about releasing a solid waste fee for his father’s house due to the fact that his father is in the nursing home and no one is living in the house.


            Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to approve this request as presented by the Tax Administrator.  Commissioner Patrick Woodie seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.  


            Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented a letter from Elwood Davis asking that the solid waste fee be released on a house that he owns.  She explained that the house hasn’t been lived in for two years and needs a lot of repair work before it is livable.


            Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to approve this request as presented by the Tax Administrator.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.  


            County Manager Don Adams talked about prior decisions were made by determining whether the house was livable or not as to whether the solid waste fees were released.


            Commissioner Warren Taylor, Chair Eldon Edwards and Mary Walker talked about how the Tax Office would know when the house is lived in again.


            Commissioner Graylen Blevins stated that the Board should be to trust and respect people enough to take their word.


            County Manager Don Adams and Mary Walker discussed the solid waste fees being on these tax bills again next year.


Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented a letter for Herman McMillan from his legal guardian asking for the solid waste fee on his house be released.  She explained that he is in a nursing home, and his house will be sold as soon as the special proceedings are completed.


Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to approve this request as presented by the Tax Administrator.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


Mary Walker, Tax Administrator, presented a property tax exemption for Davis Family Cemetery. 


Commissioner Patrick Woodie, Commissioner Warren Taylor and Mary Walker talked about how the application would have been approved in January if it had come to her office at that time.


            Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to approve this request as presented by the Tax Administrator.   Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.  


            Ned Fowler, Executive Director for Northwestern Regional Housing Authority, presented the Annual Report for the Housing Authority and talked about the Board needs to appoint someone from Alleghany County to serve on the Housing Authority. 


            Leo Tompkins stated that he appreciates the County Commissioners and the unseen hours that they spent on County business.  He reiterated his appreciation for each and every County Commissioner.  He stated that if the Board wishes to re-appoint him to the Housing Authority he will represent county to the best of his ability.


            Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to re-appoint Leo Tompkins to serve on the Northwestern Regional Housing Authority effective December 12, 2004 for five years.  Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon seconded the motion. Vote 5:0.


            Sandy Ashley, Social Services Director, came before the Board to discuss the Work First Local Plan.  She explained the Work First program and the process of the Plan.  She further explained that the County must decide whether to be a standard county or electing county and explained the differences between the two options.  She stated that her recommendation is that Alleghany County remain a standard county.


            Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion that Alleghany County be a Standard County for the Work First Program.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.  


            Sandy Ashley, Social Services Director, presented a list of proposed committee members to work on the Work First Local Plan.


            Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to approve the committee list as presented by the Social Services Director.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.  


            Amy Pardue, Recreation Director/Planner, presented a subdivision located in the Glade Creek Township for the Virginia Roberts’ estate.  She explained the subdivision and that it meets and exceeds the Land Subdivision Ordinance requirements.


            Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to approve the subdivision for the Virginia Roberts’ estate as presented by the County Planner.  Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


            Amy Pardue, Recreation Director/Planner, gave the Board an update on the creation of a soccer league.  She explained the league to the Board.


            County Manager Don Adams reminded the Board that the next regular meeting is on Labor Day and according to the Board’s rules of procedures, the meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 7 at 6:30pm.


            County Manager Don Adams reminded the Board that a joint meeting has been scheduled for Monday, August 30 at 7:00pm.  He informed the Board that the meeting will be held at the Wellness Center Conference Room.


            County Manager Don Adams presented the finance software contract and resolution.  He reviewed the resolution allowing the Finance Officer to borrow $103,100.50 at an annual interest rate not to exceed 3.73%.  He further reviewed the contracts for the finance office software.  He stated that these monies are included in this year’s budget.


            Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to approve the contract and resolution as presented by the County Manager.  Commissioner Patrick Woodie seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.  


            County Manager Don Adams presented a job description for the Administrative Assistant in the Soil and Water’s office.  He explained that this position is being classified as an Administrative Assistant until the State informs the Soil and Water Office about the State paying for a portion of the technical position.


            Commissioner Warren Taylor made a motion to approve the job description as presented by the County Manager.  Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


            County Manager Don Adams presented the scrap tire contract for the disposal of our scrap tires.  He explained the reasons for the contract including the costs of $60 per ton for the next five years. 


            Commissioner Graylen Blevins made a motion to approve the scrap tire contract.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.   


            County Manager Don Adams talked about a letter from James Blackburn with the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners asking for proposed goals and objectives for 2005.  He stated that he has given the Board copies of the previous two sessions’ goals and objectives.  He stated that he will put this on the next agenda for more discussion.  


            Chair Eldon Edwards talked about information that he gave each Commissioner about E-911 funds.  He talked about purchases made from E-911 money being unclear.  He mentioned that the Board may want to include this as a legislative goal.  He read to the Board what the monies may be used for at this time the way the North Carolina General Statutes is written.


            County Manager Don Adams talked about the monies can only be spent on E-911 emergency equipment.  He gave examples of the equipment.  He stated that this has been a goal of the Association in the past.   He talked about ways the monies could be spent; such as, radios.   He reviewed the fund balance for the E-911 fund. 


            Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon and County Manager Don Adams discussed communication problems in the Laurel Springs area.


            County Manager Don Adams presented the occupancy tax law changes.  He explained the major change removed the wording about the tax only applying to businesses with five or more rental units.


            Chair Eldon Edwards asked that a public hearing be held on this matter at the next meeting.


            County Manager Don Adams talked about the tax would become effective November 1 since the public hearing will be held on September 7.


            Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon stated that the occupancy tax is to be paid the renters or occupants of the property, not the property owners. 


            Commissioner Patrick Woodie mentioned that the percentage of tax did not change only the number of units.


            County Manager Don Adams presented a resolution for the Hazard Mitigation Plan.


            Commissioner Warren Taylor made a motion to approve the resolution as presented by the County Manager.  Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


            County Manager Don Adams presented budget amendment General Fund #2 in the amount of $3,000 for the Recreation/Planning Department for supplies at the Fairgrounds.  He explained that these monies were left out during the budget process.


            Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to approve budget amendment General Fund #2 in the amount of $3,000.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.  Vote 5:0.


            Chair Eldon Edwards read a letter from the Grand Jury Foreman stated that during the tour of the jail, no problems were found.


            Commissioner Warren Taylor asked about meeting with Sam Erby.


            County Manager Don Adams stated that the meeting will be on August 25 at 10:00am at Martin-Marietta.  He reviewed a list of the people attending the meeting. 


            Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon mentioned that Bob Bamberg from the Chamber might need to be added to the meeting.


            Chair Eldon Edwards asked for public comments.  None were received.


            Commissioner Patrick Woodie made a motion to enter into closed session under NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (4)—economic development and (a) (5)—contracts at 11:08am.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.   Vote 5:0. 


Commissioner Sandy Carter Herndon made a motion to adjourn closed session at 12:12pm and reconvene the regular meeting.  Commissioner Warren Taylor seconded the motion.   Vote 5:0. 


            Chair Eldon Edwards stated that no action was taken during closed session.


            Being no further business, Commissioner Warren Taylor made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:13pm.  Commissioner Graylen Blevins seconded the motion.   Vote 5:0. 


Respectfully Submitted,




Karen Evans

Clerk to the Board







Eldon Edwards











WHEREAS, the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 and Senate Bill 300 require the development of a Hazard Mitigation Plan and;


WHEREAS, Alleghany County desires to remain eligible for State and federal disaster relief funds in the event of a declared disaster in Alleghany County; and


WHEREAS, the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan has been developed by Alleghany County and the Town of Sparta and reviewed by members of this Board, staff and the public and; 


WHEREAS, the Alleghany County Board of Commissioners recognizes the value of having a plan in place for identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating potential and real natural hazards that could affect Alleghany County;


WHEREAS, the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management has reviewed and endorsed the Alleghany County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of Alleghany County that they adopt the Alleghany County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.


                Adopted this the 16th day of August, 2004.