The Alleghany County office of Emergency Management is an “umbrella agency” which includes Emergency Management, Fire Inspections and the Safety Officer for the County.
Emergency Management is responsible for coordinating mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery during times of disaster, both natural and man-made, in Alleghany County. This includes identifying hazards that pose a risk to the citizens of the County, finding ways to either prevent these hazards from occurring or lessening their impact, and making plans for the times when emergencies do occur. This office acts as a liaison between County resources and NC Emergency Management. The Coordinator serves as Chairperson of the Alleghany County Local Emergency Planning Committee, in accordance with Title III of the SARA Act of 1986. This Committee reviews and processes reports for the required reporting faculties in our county. Additionally, the Coordinator is available to assist businesses, industry, and government agencies in the development and implementation of their Emergency Action Plans.
The Alleghany County Office of Fire Inspections is responsible for the enforcement of the NC Fire Prevention Code within the County. In order to preserve and protect public health and safety and to satisfy the requirements of NC General Statutes: 153A- 364,160A-424, 153A-351 and 160A-411, fire inspections are conducted on a regular schedule. Feel free to contact us for any NC Fire Code questions. New or potential businesses are encouraged to contact us before beginning operations. This allows us to ensure compliance before opening and saves unwanted delays for your business.
The County Safety Officer has the responsibility of ensuring that county employees have the safest working environment possible. The Safety Officer reviews any incidents or accidents and makes recommendations to management to improve safety. The Officer also ensures that employees are properly oriented to OSHA and other requirements and co-chairs the County Safety Committee.
Alleghany County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Adopted 05/20/2024
High Country Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
(This large pdf file may take several minutes to download.)
Daniel Roten Emergency Management Coordinator daniel.roten@alleghanycounty-nc.gov | Contact: 348 South Main Street PO Box 1233 Sparta, NC 28675 336-372-6220 (Office) 336-200-0094 (Cell) 911 or 336-372-4455 (Emergency) | Department Links: FAQ Forms Landing Zones, Updated 03-16-18 External Links: SART NOAA NCDPS OSFM ReadyNC |